H I L F . M I R . D O C H

Subsidies and Funding

In Germany, there are various support programmes and opportunities for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications. This support can take the form of financial grants, counselling and other services to help people with foreign qualifications to be able to work in the professional field they have learned in Germany. Here is some of the most important information on this topic:

Subsidies and Funding​

Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

In Germany, many professional qualifications from abroad have to be recognised in order to enable people to work in the profession they have learned. This process is often referred to as "professional recognition".

Recognition Act

The Federal Recognition Act regulates the recognition of foreign professional qualifications in Germany. It sets out the procedures and criteria for recognition.

Support centres

There are special counselling centres and information centres that provide support with the recognition of foreign qualifications. These centres provide information about the recognition process and help with the application process.


The costs for recognition can vary. In some cases, the procedures are free of charge or subsidies are offered to reduce the financial burden.

Federal Employment Agency

In some cases, the Federal Employment Agency can provide financial support in the form of grants or loans for the recognition of foreign qualifications.

Education voucher

In some federal states, education vouchers can be applied for to cover the costs of recognising foreign qualifications.


It is important to note that the exact conditions and support services may vary depending on the federal state and occupational field. People who wish to have their foreign qualifications recognised in Germany should therefore contact the responsible recognition office in their federal state or visit the website of the “Bundesweite Koordinierungsstelle der IHKs” (www.anerkennung-in-deutschland.de) for detailed information and support options.

A grant for professional recognition in Germany is an important support measure aimed at paving the way into the German labour market for people with foreign professional qualifications. The recognition of foreign qualifications is a crucial step for immigrants and migrants to have their professional skills and competences acknowledged in Germany and to be able to work in their trained professional field.

The process of professional recognition can be complex and sometimes costly, as it involves both the evaluation of qualifications and compliance with German professional standards. This is where grants come into play, offering financial relief for applicants. This financial support can be granted in various forms:

Cost coverage

Some federal states and local authorities offer the option of covering the costs of recognising foreign qualifications. This can include the fees for the application, the examinations and other associated expenses.

Education vouchers

In some cases, applicants can receive education vouchers that they can use for the recognition courses and examinations.

Financial subsidies

The Federal Employment Agency and other organisations can provide financial grants or loans to cover the costs of professional recognition.

Terms & Conditions

These support programmes are of great importance as they facilitate access to the world of work for many people who wish to use their skills and experience in Germany. They contribute to social integration and promote professional diversity and qualifications in the country. However, it is important to note that the exact terms and conditions for the programmes may vary depending on the federal state and occupational field. Applicants should therefore contact the responsible recognition centres or integration services for information on available funding opportunities and application procedures. The promotion of professional recognition is an important step towards equal opportunities and economic integration for people with foreign qualifications in Germany.

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