H I L F . M I R . D O C H

Doing an apprenticeship in Germany, how does it work?

Apprentice recruitment

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We arrange it...

Tell us about your personnel requirements and we will do our best to fulfil them swiftly. With our expertise in recruitment, we support you in identifying and employing qualified skilled and unskilled workers. Whether you are looking for trainees or labour from abroad, we will find you the right workers. We also offer you the opportunity to integrate foreign trainees and skilled workers into your company in an uncomplicated manner, and take care of the entire process for you.

We recruit trainees and skilled workers in the following industries
Healthcare Professions, Engineering, IT-Industry, Sales and Distribution, Trade and Logistics, Crafts, Catering and Hotel, Renewable Energy Sector, Construction

Apprenticeships in Germany offer students from abroad an excellent opportunity to acquire professional qualifications and gain valuable experience. Here is an overview of what the training programme for students from abroad in Germany typically looks like. The exact details may vary depending on the federal state, training occupation and company. It is advisable to find out about the specific requirements and procedures at an early stage and, if necessary, seek support from educational institutions or information centres in Germany.

In nearly all industries

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Our services cover a wide range of industries and include both trainees and skilled workers from other countries. We take care of all the steps required for an optimal organisation, from the initial job interview to arrival in your company.

Our main tasks
and services

Initially, the mediation work does not incur any costs. A small fee is only charged in the event of a successful job placement!

Appointments for job interviews

Scheduling appointments for trainees from abroad is usually done via e-mail or telephone to ensure the best possible communication and flexibility. Once the applicant has communicated their availability, we will arrange a suitable date for the interview together to ensure that everyone involved can attend.

Realisation of recognition procedures

When carrying out the recognition process as part of our recruitment programme, we ensure that the trainee applicants' qualifications and educational certificates are checked and recognised in accordance with German standards. This process enables us to identify the best international talent and integrate them into our training programmes in order to promote a highly qualified and diverse workforce.

Handling visa matters

Visa matters for trainees from abroad are handled in close cooperation with the relevant authorities to ensure that all necessary documents and records are submitted correctly.

We actively support applicants in applying for their visa and provide advice throughout the entire process to ensure a smooth transition to their apprenticeship in Germany.

Assistance in finding accommodation

We offer comprehensive support in finding suitable accommodation for trainees from abroad by providing information on local housing options and by helping to make contact with landlords.

Our aim is to ensure that foreign trainees have a safe and comfortable living situation during their apprenticeship in Germany so that they can concentrate on their further professional development.

Assistance with matters involving translation

We offer comprehensive translation support for trainees from abroad by assisting with the legalisation of important documents and providing translation services for official documents such as certificates and visa documents. Our aim is to ease the bureaucratic process for foreign trainees and ensure that all required documents are correctly and professionally translated into German.

Applying for the accelerated procedure

Applications to the accelerated procedure for skilled workers from abroad are submitted via the relevant authorities, in order to speed up the process of qualification recognition and integration into the German labour market.

This procedure offers qualified skilled workers from abroad an efficient opportunity to use their expertise and knowledge in Germany and helps to promote international cooperation and meet the demand for specialised workers.

Ausbildung in Deutschland

  • Students coming from abroad should find out about the various professions and requirements in Germany as early as possible.
  • They must ensure that their school education and language skills meet German requirements. In many cases, a good understanding of German is required.
  • Pupils have to decide on a training occupation that matches their interests and abilities. The list of training occupations in Germany is extensive and covers a wide range of different fields.
  • Students must prepare application documents that include a application letter, CV, certificates and, if applicable, references.
  • Applications can be made directly to companies or via online job boards. It is important to pay attention to the application deadlines.
  • Once companies show interest in the application, interviews or selection tests can take place. This can be done in person or via video call.
  • If a company decides in favour of the applicant, a contract is signed. This contract contains information about the duration, compensation and training content.
  • Students from non-EU countries generally require a student visa or residence permit in order to study in Germany. This should be applied for at the German embassy or consulate at an early stage.
  • Good German skills are essential for a successful apprenticeship in most cases. Students should ensure that they have sufficient language fluency or take language courses in Germany.
  • Training usually begins in August or September. During the apprenticeship, practical work in the company alternates with theoretical lessons at vocational school.
  • The vocational school teaches the theoretical knowledge required to practise the chosen profession.
  • Practical phases in the company enable students to apply the skills they have learnt directly.
  • The training programme ends with a final examination before the “Industrie- und Handelskammer” (IHK) or another authorised institution. The examination comprises both practical and theoretical parts.
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We are always available to help you with any uncertainty or recruitment enquiries

“Our international trainee recruitment programme opens doors for talented young people from all over the world and enriches our team through diversity and global perspectives.”

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